Workshop med Michael Bartelle & Anna Wikström

"From Darkness to Delight"
Most of us practise yoga in order to feel less stressed out in our lives. But sometimes taking yoga too seriously can have the opposite effect!
Luckily, Anna and Michael are joining forces for a lighthearted exploration of how bringing a sense of play into yoga can help bring more lightness into life. We will begin this special workshop with a talk about the psychology and physiology of trying too hard, and discuss a set of methods which can help us approach our yoga practice in a more cheerful way.
We will then put these tools to use in a well-rounded movement sequence, an uplifting meditation, and a regenerating relaxation. After a little fika, you'll have the opportunity to use the light you've found within yourself as a way of illuminating and easing the burden of a specific issue that may be weighing you down unnecessarily.
There will also be time for questions and discussion. Bring a notebook and a pen, and be ready to play!

Michael Bartelle is a Senior Ishta Yoga Teacher. He has taught and mentored in several Ishta 200- and 300-hour trainings in New York City, London, Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Berlin. He studied both Ishta Yoga and Marma Therapy in a close apprenticeship with Alan Finger for five years before moving to Europe.
He also holds a Masters Degree in Traditions of Yoga and Meditation at SOAS, University of London. He continues to research and write extensively on the philosophy of embodied consciousness and yoga.
Taking after his teacher, Michael aims to fill his lectures and lessons with both philosophical depth and lighthearted humour. Light and gratitude to the teachers and the lineage of Ishta, and to all who bring consciousness and love into the world.

Anna Wikström är utbildad yogalärare via Ishta yoga samt certifierad via Yoga Alliance (RYT500). Hon är även utbildad hälsokonsult.
Anna arbetar med hälsoutveckling och personlig utveckling för individer och grupper genom yoga, utbildning och vägledning. Hon har undervisat flertalet workshops och retreats både i Sverige och utomlands samt väglett individer och grupper både privat och ute på företag med goda resultat.
Hon uppdaterar sig ständigt genom att gå nya utbildningar, workshops och genom att följa sin mentor Katrina Repka.
Med en stor portion av livsglädje delar hon med sig av sin passion till yogan. Egen inspiration finner hon i det mesta livet har att erbjuda; mötet med sig själv, mötet med andra, resor, nya platser och kulturer. Hon är tacksam för alla lärare hon mött på sin resa.
Worshopen äger rum på Ortopedmedicinska institutet, Erik Dahlbergsgatan 14 i Göteborg
När: Lördagen den 21 oktober
Tid: 13.00-18.00
Investering: 1200:-
Ta med anteckningsblock och penna.
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